Kadangkala bende yang kita rancang tak berlaku seperti yang diharapkan. Ya, sebagai manusia kita hanya merancang dan Allah yang menentukan.
Above all, Allah knows better than us. Cuba cari hikmah di atas setiap perkara yang berlaku. Mungkin ia berbentuk teguran ataupun pengajaran yang Allah kurniakan.
I've been planning to go to Paris on 15th of April 2010.When the day come, it's already 10p.m past quarter. I've already checked in and put my things in the luggage. According to the ticket my flight should be depart at 11.35 p.m.
At 11.00 p.m i heard that the flight was delayed, it is because the volcano eruption in the Iceland that forbid us from flying to France.
All the flight to europe were cancelled due to the eruption and that would be around 17000 passengers stranded in Malaysia.
The British Airways was the most affected. Even the Air France also had been closed their airport for the moment.
What happened to me? At first i was happy even the flight was cancelled, because Malaysia Airlines did provide us with the best hotel at the Putrajaya just for free.
But then it was only for a day. Then i've got to go back to my home. At the moment i feel really disappointed for what happened. So close yet so far.
Praise be to Allah, after a week i manage to get on board. At 12.00pm on wednesday my flight depart to France solemnly.
After 13 hours of journey, finally i could left my footprint in Europe. I was very happy indeed. The weather was a bit cold than my expectation.
Night in Paris
Pengalaman berada ditempat orang sangat2 berharga. Budaya mereka berbeza dengan masyarakat kita. Seakan membuka dimensi baru dalam minda kita.
Namun apa yang pasti, agama perlu diutamakan. Biar dimana sekalipun kita berpijak agama sentiasa dijunjung.
Permandangan di Paris sangat menarik, kat Switzerland pula sangat indah. Susah betul nak lihat sampah dibuang merata-rata.
Mengembara ni memang sangat best, persiapan pun kene ade. Tenaga pastikan mencukupi, waktu solat kene alert, duet for sure kene pandai bajet, makan kene pastikan yang halal.
1 euro= RM 4.50
100 euro= RM 450
220 euro= RM 1000
Ya cuti kali ni sangat bermakna, alhamdulillah rezeki sampai jgak kat sane. Semoga dengan kembara ini mampu menjana pengalaman yang amat berharga yang boleh dikongsi bersama orang lain.
So many things to tell, but takde idea nak sampaikan cane. Ape kate pembaca tanye soalanlaa, mybe lebih mudah untuk dikongsikan.
*Tah bila lagi nak jelajah dunia
*Jom kumpul duet..